Overhead Cranes Fuji VFD Solution APPLICATION Overhead crane is a type of crane commonly found in industry. An overhead crane consists of parallel runways with a traveling bridge. A hoist, the lifting component of the crane, travels along the bridge. They are commonly used in the refinement of steel and other metals such as copper and aluminum. At every step of the manufacturing process, until it leaves a factory as a finished product, metal is handled by an overhead crane. As other examples, they are also used in industries such as automobile industry to move raw material or paper mills for heavy cast iron paper drying drums maintenance. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Overhead cranes have two independent movements which are called trolley (for horizontal movements) and hoist (for vertical movements). Travel and hoist movement can be performed independently or combined. Especially critical is the hoisting movement, inverter requires a strong overload capability for handling without problem load during acceleration and deceleration.
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